Saturday, October 3, 2009

How Children increase their Vocabularies

The typical ten-year-old, you will recall, has a recognition vocabulary of over twenty thousand words – and has been learning many hundreds of new words every year since the age of four.
You were once that typical child.
You were once an accomplished virtuoso of vocabulary building.
What was your secret?
Did you spend hours every day poring over a dictionary?
Did you keep notebooks full of all the new words you ever heard or read?
Did you immediately look up the meaning of any new word that your parents or older members of your family used?
Such procedures would have struck you as absurd then, as absurd as they would be for your today.
You had a much better, much more effective, and considerably less self-conscious method.
Your method was the essence of simplicity: day in and day out you kept learning; you kept squeezing every possible ounce of learning out of every waking moment; you were an eternal question box, for you had a constant and insatiable desire to know and understand.
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