Monday, December 6, 2010

The Teaching of Prose - English editing.

It is mostly prose that one has to read and follow in our daily lives. The process begins with the press and the Media, which work around the clock and print our morning news papers. An ordinary literate person also scans through the news items, if not from a purchased or subscribed newspaper then from a borrowed or hurriedly read one at a news stand. After that starts the daily work schedule in which from a salesman to a clerk, a lawyer to a Physician, all remain busy either in producing prose, or using prose. A comic character tells the quality of another actor, that he was using prose, all his life, at which everybody raises the eyebrow, as if it is very special, or unique, but who would disagree, that every one of us is living with prose and it is prose, prose and nothing, but prose everywhere. The teaching learning of this technique is thus of immence importance.

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